So It Can Be Relaxing and Enjoyable
The holiday season brings a feeling of overwhelm for many. As we gear up for the season, there are so many things to plan, organize, and prepare for.
We multitask (beyond what we’ve already been multitasking) to fit in things like buying and wrapping gifts, baking cookies, attending office parties, showing up for kids Christmas concert, putting up Christmas decorations, volunteering for a toy drive, attending a church service, hosting and entertaining, and cooking up a storm.
Although these festivities are wonderful, they still add stress and more onto the mental load that we’re already carrying. It’s a lot.
Think about how out of the ordinary it is to have so many activities within a one-month period.
For some of us, it feels like we’re going through the motions, but lose sight of why we are doing this in the first place. When the pressure mounts to keep up with certain traditions or attend every event, it takes a toll on our mental health and well-being.
So, it is important for us to pause and make space for ourselves during this month. Here are some tips to help make our holiday season more meaningful and less stressful.
- Be present instead of buying presents.
Why do you celebrate the holiday season? For some, it is about being together with loved ones and remembering how much we appreciate them. For others, it is about observing a religious tradition and recalling what the season represents. Yet for others, it is a time to relax and celebrate. Whatever your reason is, pause to remember why you’re doing this in the first place. Be in the moment, think about the people you are with, feel the presence of the precious moment, and be grateful for the activity at hand.
- Take a time out, so the holiday doesn’t take you out.
Your mind and body need to recharge like a battery. It cannot keep running on empty. Take a time out for self-care and do things that are not holiday related, to feel a sense of routine and rhythm in your day. By relaxing and having down time, you will have more energy to give during this busy season.
- Plan ahead, to get ahead.
Ensure you only book as little or as many gatherings as you’re comfortable with. You can provide your availability to people, so they can choose from your given dates. Don’t book more than what you can have capacity for, even if they are fun activities. You can’t do it all. When you plan ahead, you can space out events, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
- Gather people with combined gatherings.
This will help reduce the number of gatherings you have to attend. You can book groups of friends or family together for one gathering rather than having separate gatherings for each party. Or better yet, combine two festivities together (e.g., go watch Christmas lights at the park with a group of friends).
- Say “no” so you can say “yes”.
Give yourself permission to say no to certain traditions or gatherings without feeling guilty. Only say yes to events that you want to attend and know to events you have to attend, especially if your attendance is inconsequential. If saying no does not seem like an option for example family gatherings or work events, then set a time limit on how long you will be there for an keep this commitment.
May your holiday be restful and meaningful. I look forward to serving you in the new year!