And blessing to you
Today is my birthday. It’s a funny thing that the older I get, the less desire I have to celebrate, but the more I long to contemplate.
I contemplate how there are more years behind me than before me, and how to live my best life for the remaining years.
I contemplate how all my lived experiences have culminated into the person I am today, and how grateful I am for both the hard lessons and wonderful memories.
I contemplate how individuals have weaved in and out of my life, impacting who I’ve become. In my life story, some people were a punctuation mark, a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter, or part of the entire story, thus far.
I contemplate how far I’ve come, as compared to where I was supposed to end up, based on my unfavorable upbringing, and how grateful I am, for who I am today.
I contemplate how blessed I am for all the good folks in my life, who make life so rich and rewarding…my husband, my kids, my extended family, my friends, my colleagues, my clients…my tribe.
I wish for you, dear reader, that when you contemplate your life story…
you will know how precious and irreplaceable you are,
you will live out your divine calling that only you can give to this world,
and you will remember to write your own ending, no matter the beginning.