Relationship Advice: Turning Annoyances into Appreciation

A Guide to Finding Joy in Life’s Little Messes This morning, I walked into my kitchen, reaching for my first cup of coffee, when I saw something on the floor. From afar, it looked like a small mouse. But when I looked down, I realized… there they were – my son’s socks, casually discarded right […]
What Do I Want in My Relationship?

A relationship with your partner can be a tricky balance and it’s not unusual to come to a place where you ask yourself: How do I know what I want or need in my relationship/marriage? I know that I’m unhappy, but I don’t know exactly what I want or need. What you want and what […]
The Best Relationship Advice Ever

Over the past 25 years, I’ve researched and learned everything I could about relationships. There’s been a lot of great insights and tips I’ve gleaned over time. I’ve applied these strategies in my work with couples and in my own marriage, with fantastic results. However, the BEST relationship advice I ever got did not come […]